AventuraCusco, PeruSenderismo

Yanacocha Lagoon, Cusco

Yanacocha Lagoon, Cusco

Yanacocha is a beautiful black water lagoon located in Huayllabamba, at 3940 m.a.s.l. surrounded by a lively forest of Queuña which is a native Andean tree that grows specifically in highlands. The word Yanacocha is a mixture of two Quechua words that mean Black Lagoon.

We started hiking early in the morning and be able to arrive in Yanacocha early enough to don’t miss the sunlight. As we didn’t know the place, we took an alternative path through the forest and did not round it as we should do, so it took us more time than it should, we enjoyed it though. On the way, we found an enormous rock with some paintings on it, they seemed historical.

After four hours of walking, we finally arrived at Yanacocha lagoon.

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