AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

Ñaupa Iglesia

Ñaupa Iglesia

In the Sacred Valley which in fact is a mystic, lovely and fascinating place, there’s a point known as one of the few Incan portals that will lead anyone willing to another dimension. There, a unique energy flows and proof of that is the people who come to pay tribute to Mother Earth and the Apus (mountain spirits) through this portal. The experience of being in this place is out of this world.

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Ñaupa Iglesia Choqella

is a Quechua and Spanish name that means “the old temple where gold shines” and is located in Pachar, close to the town of Ollantaytambo. To get there one can take any of the buses heading to Ollantaytambo from Pavitos street (these buses don’t go through Urubamba) and ask to get off at the entrance of Ñaupa Iglesia, one stop after the entrance to Perolniyoc Waterfall.

Once at the entrance,

next to the main road, we followed a pretty well-signalled path that took us to the promised place after a short walk of twenty minutes. We found some tasty prickly pears which we ate and also found some Incan platforms on our way, not to mention the marvellous view of the valley.

At the top,

in the middle of a natural rock formation, we finally found Ñaupa Iglesia, an Incan portal to another dimension. We could feel the energy of the place and took the time to get in contact with it. It is also to highlight the sound effect this place has, it is amazing! While doing so we met Jean Phillippe, a French tourist which who we made friends. He had come with the only intention to connect with the place and Mother Earth. The experience was sensational!

As it is seen,

something that really called our attention was particularly this carved stone, which represents the three Andean worlds depicted in the famous “Chakana” or Incan cross. “Hanan Pacha,” the world above or the gods; “Kay Pacha” the earthly or living world and “Uku Pacha” the world below or the dead.

Next to this magical place,

we saw a cliff, which seemed kind of challenging to climb, so we dared to explore. A better view of this valley couldn’t be possible. We spent some time there, meditating and enjoying the breeze of the heights.

On our way back,

we enjoyed the freshness of the waters of the Huarocondo River, arrived in Pachar, had lunch and drank chicha which is the Andean beverage made of corn; played a fun game called “Sapo” which consists in putting inside a bronze made frog’s mouth a coin thrown from two metres distance; accompanied and said goodbye to Jean Phillipe, took a bus and enjoyed a marvellous sunset. It was a perfect day!

All in all,

it is known that Cusco is a magical and unique place where history is told on many of its walls, mountains and remains and Ñaupa Iglesia is one of these books with lots of experiences to explore.

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