AventuraCusco, PeruSenderismo

La Torre, Inkilltambo, San Sebastián

La Torre, Inkilltambo, San Sebastián

We had heard about a beautiful valley full of vegetation and water, a place adjoined to the city just behind the principal mall centre in town. As Diego had walked around this place before, we left after lunch and followed him. Our destine was uncertain, something that dared us to venture even more.

The path was beautiful and green. It is always a unique sensation to breathe deeply when someone is surrounded by unique places like this. We followed a path that took us deep into nature when out of the blue we found a small well of water. Doubtless, Diego, Guina and I decided to immerse in it. What a unique sensation! I clearly remember my body reaction when it tried to get used to the temperature of the water, I had to swim to get warmer.

After that refreshing dip, we continued our adventure and found what seemed to be a tower. We laid on the grass and relaxed while watching the sunset on the horizon. Wow! it was a breathtaking afternoon. After meditating and resting in that unique place we played a little bit and left through a path that would take us to Salineras. What an amazing afternoon!

Some days later we realized, that this place is the same one that take us to Inkilltambo, but from a different angle.

View from the tower

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