AventuraCiclismoCusco, Peru

Huasao, Saylla

Huasao, Saylla

Huasao is a population close to Saylla at between thirty and forty minutes away from the city of Cusco. I was told that this place was once known as the land of male witches due to the healing practices used to be done by ‘Altomisayoqs’, a Quechua word that means ‘Andean Priest,’ in this place.

Currently, Huasao is still famous but this time because of its wetlands and its recently created wooden sculptures of animal figures and sci-fi characters like ‘The Ents’ from ‘The Lord of The Rings’ and ‘Groot’ from ‘The Guardians of the Galaxy’ which pretend to depict an environmental message. Pretty interesting! Walking around this place is simply relaxing and a good option to spend family time. I was also taken aback by a sort of wild ‘cuyes’ or guinea pigs walking around the place.

Some metres up the hill away from the wetlands, we were able to experience an extreme swing called ‘Vuelo del Halcón’ or ‘Falcon Flight’. The first time I saw it I felt nervous, and a little indecisive, but my internal voice whispered to me to do it, so then Diego and I decided.

A week later, I had another opportunity to come back to the same place, but this time alone and wanted to experience riding a kind of bike that was attached to a steel rope. When I did it, I didn’t feel that scared.

Extreme swing ‘Vuelo del Halcón’ ‘Falcon Flight’

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