AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

Arín Waterfall, Calca

Arín Waterfall, Calca

The Arín Waterfall is also known as The Mermaid Waterfall. It is located in Calca, in the Sacred Valley’s core.

We left Cusco at noon hoping to be there relatively early and went through Pisac. Once we arrived at the nearest parking space in this village, we followed a path that took us to the waterfall. The waterfall is beautiful as it waters the rocks where it goes through. Guina, Diego and I dared to have a bath and feel its waters, which in fact was cold but pleasant. A very nice experience.

On our way back home we decided to take the road through Pachar and then Izcuchaca. We arrived at Huarocondo and there our Bettle car broke down. We had to call a relative to help us take the car to the nearest workshop. It was a whole adventure, absolutely!

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