AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

Apukunaq Tianan and The Colonial Aqueduct

Apukunaq Tianan and The Colonial Aqueduct

Apukunaq Tianan is an artistic monument carved in rocks and is located in Poroy, Cusco at 45 minutes from the city centre. Apukunaq Tianan are Quechua words that mean ‘Abode of the Gods’

We took a local bus that took us close to the place. Then we decided to go walking. After some minutes, we could see the monuments. We spent the afternoon there, watching the sculptures and taking photos.

Late afternoon we continued following the road that took us to a colonial archaeological remain that seemed an aqueduct. The monument was beautiful and probably little known, cause we had never heard about it.

The sun was about to set down and we decided to return. On the way back we were taken aback by a similar phenomenon we had appreciated last week at Tres Cruces. God really loved us, because we were about to witness a beautiful sunset on the horizon. The sun hid behind the mountain range giving us a unique spectacle, it was a beautiful moment!

What else could we ask for?

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