AventuraCusco, PeruSenderismo

Apu Mama Simona, Ccorca

Apu Mama Simona, Ccorca

This was one of the best adventures I’ve ever had!

Apu Mama Simona is a mountain located in the community of Quishuarcancha, Ccorca, Cusco. Its summit is at about 4136 m.a.s.l. and is one of the most important mountains surrounding the valley of Cusco.

We departed from Puquín, in fact, we were lucky to find a car because we were told that at that point, because of the pandemic and because it was Sunday, no buses were leaving to Ccorca. Once on the way, we got off in the middle of the road, specifically in a place that seemed to be a base for a construction project which has been developed nearby. There, we found a road that we hoped will deliver us to Apu Mama Simona. None of us has ever been there before, so we ventured once more.

After some minutes walking we could devise a mountain which was standing out. We looked for a mobile signal and realised that it was about our famous Apu Mama Simona, a marvellous mountain with a peculiar shape. So, we walked for three hours approximately, if it wasn’t more. As we went with two kids we had to take turns to carry them on our shoulders, because the way up was exhausting

Arriving at its top is a stunning experience. The view is unique and impressive, one is able to see the highest mountains in the region, including the Apu Ausangate, and a great part of Cusco City. Being there is absolutely gorgeous! We took the time to thank the Apu for allowing us to be on its summit and for all the things that we were living at the moment, we meditated and felt peace for all that.

On the way back we decided to go to Ccorca on foot, so we took another route. It was a wholly unique experience!

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