AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

A Short Walk through Cachimayo, Anta

A Short Walk through Cachimayo, Anta

Cachimayo is a ‘Quechua’ word that means ‘Salt River’ and is one of the nine districts of the Province of Anta, not so far from the city of Cusco. Here, one will be able to find an industrial plant that produces ammonium nitrate since 1965 and lastly oxygen to attend the demand of the hospitals in the region of Cusco due to the COVID-19.

A week before we had visited our uncles and cousins who have a country house around. The landscape is beautiful so we dared to return and explore its surroundings. We followed the train rail and stopped at a place to rest under a beautiful tree.

Then we continued our way following the train rail and we found a big rock where some activities like ‘Via Ferrata’ and ‘Sky biking’, were carried out. I’d never heard about this place. As we got onto here some late, we were invited to come back to experience those activities. So now, we have something pending in this place.

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