AventuraCusco, PeruSenderismo

A third route to the magical Huchuy Qosqo

A third route to the magical Huchuy Qosqo

Built on the highest lands of the beautiful Sacred Valley, amidst dreamlike landscapes, Huchuy Qosqo, like many other examples in these blessed lands, defies the theories of modern architecture, narrating between each wall the prodigiousness and ingenuity of the Incan architecture, which never ceases to amaze us.

Getting there is always a challenge. The first time we did it was from Lamay, which took us about three arduous hours of ascension and the second was from Tambomachay, a really whole challenge. This time, it was time to venture from Taucca. Join us on this extraordinary journey.

(For a better experience, read it accompanied by our Spotify playlist, available on the right bar of this post 😎)

Huchuy Qosqo

The archaeological centre of ‘Huchuy Qosqo’, previously called ‘Kakya Qawani’ is located in the province of Calca and the district of Lamay at 3650 m.a.s.l. It is estimated that it was built between the years 1000 and 1400 CE by the Inca ‘Wiracocha’, the eighth ruling Inca. Due to its distribution and the type of buildings found in this enclosure, it is estimated to be an administrative, religious and military centre.

Etymologically, the name ‘Huchuy Qosqo’ comes from two Quechua words that mean small Cusco, since, in ancient times, it would resemble the ancient city of Cusco. Likewise, ‘Kakya Qawan’i, the other name by which this archaeological complex is also known, comes from two Quechua words as well that means where the lightning is seen from, due to the privileged view of the Sacred Valley, the Urubamba mountain range and the meteorological phenomena that occur in them.

How to get there?

To do this, we will divide our adventure into a short section by bus and a second main section hiking from the town of Taucca.

First section: Cusco – Chinchero – Taucca

First of all, we have to go to the ‘Belen Pampa’ bus stop to take any of the buses going to Chinchero. After about 45 minutes on the road, we will get off at the entrance of Chinchero at the ‘Allpachaca’ bus stop. Then, we will take any of the cars or taxis that are at this bus stop in the direction of Taucca. The trip will be approximately 20 minutes.

Second section: Taucca – Huchuy Qosqo

Once in Taucca, we will depart from the signpost that indicates the beginning of the Inca trail (Camino Inca) towards Huchuy Qosqo, following the route on the map below.

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Now, we will narrate our experience hiking to this majestic place following this route.

Heading to Huchuy Qosqo

Towards the 4400 metres

Victor Hugo and I started walking around 9 a.m. We had to catch up with the group that had left half an hour earlier, so we had to pick up the pace. Unlike many other routes that we had already walked before, this is marked out, which makes it difficult to get lost on the way.

The first section is uphill, approximately 500 meters, which makes the route of moderate difficulty. In it, you can see the Cusiqocha lagoon and part of the flora and fauna characteristic of places like these of more than 4000 metres high.

After approximately two hours of walking, we reached the highest point, at 4400 meters. In it, you can see the Urubamba mountain range and unique landscape beauty.

Towards the 3600 meters

After a short break, we began our descent towards Huchuy Qosqo.

The path becomes much easier to walk at this point and little by little we began to perceive a charming landscape change.

More trees and streams started to appear on the path. In addition, we found Inca platforms that, like many other archaeological sites in the region, sadly were in a state of regular maintenance.

After approximately 1 hour and 1/2 of descent, in front of our noses, the archaeological centre of Huchuy Qosqo could already be seen.

Welcome to Huchuy Qosqo

As we had mentioned above, this was our third time in this magical place.

Walking through that door is a unique sense of accomplishment.

In the interiors of this centre, one can see the main square with a privileged view of the Sacred Valley, the main hall that is located above this mentioned square, some ‘qolqas’ destined for food storage and also one of the most emblematic constructions where a three-floor building is observed. The first and second floors are made of carved granite, in the classic Inca style, and the third is made of adobe and clay.

(We make a parenthesis in our adventure to put in your hand handicrafts made in the region. This time a backpack made of a material derived from leather and fabric with designs referring to the Andean culture. We have them in different colours. If you would like to acquire one of these or know more about them, let us know your comments on the blog or contact us through any of our digital platforms)

Undoubtedly, a unique place, full of history and culture, where connecting with nature, our roots and ourselves is inevitable.

Along with satisfaction and amazement, it is inevitable to have fun and enjoy the company of our fellow travellers.

Finally, after a long rest and after visiting this beautiful complex, we headed towards Lamay, taking the classic descent path of almost 700 meters, a unique experience not to be forgotten.

Final words

All in all, Huchuy Qosqo never ceases to surprise and amaze us. Its privileged location, its architectural beauty and its historical and cultural legacy make it a magical place. In addition to this, its not-so-easy access makes this destination the perfect combination of magic and mystery.

And you? Do you already know Huchuy Qosqo? If so, by which of the paths did you reach it? What do you think of this adventure? Would you like to live it? Can we be of help in it? Let us know in the comments.

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