AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

Ananiso Canyon

Ananiso Canyon

Walking between colossal rock formations which date back thousands of years ago and appreciating the great variety and beauty of the precious Andean flora and fauna is certainly an experience not to forget. Even more, when at the end of this beautiful path down the river awaits you a marvellous waterfall so tall that it will certainly impress any adventurer. All these and more in the beautiful Ananiso Canyon.


is certainly one of the Qanchis districts of the Cusquenian region with more natural wonders due to its geographical nature. The Ausangate Mountain and its surroundings, the Sibinacocha lake, the Cueva de la Novia, the Rainbow mountain and the Anansiso canyon are some of its main attractions.

We left for this journey …

in a private car early in the morning and went through Checacupe, Pitumarca and a precarious road to the town of Ananiso.

We arrived at Ananiso …

on a shinny cold day, a typical thermic sensation here in the Andes at 4200 m.a.s.l. We immediately started walking looking forward to discovering the surprises this natural wonder would have prepared for us.

For starters,

we found a great cave where we particularly devised a painting from the caverns age which seemed to be a lizard.

After having taken some great pictures …

and enjoyed this unique cave, we continued our way and just at the entrance we devised what seemed to be the face of the guard, carved naturally in rock, looking after this marvel.

We continued our way down the river …

and appreciated a beautiful landscape of flora and fauna. Lots of Queuña trees, South American camelids, Andean vizcachas and numerous other forms of life flood the canyon. We also found a guy fishing at the shore of the river.

After having walked for two hours …

finally, we arrived at the last point in our journey, the stunning Ananiso Waterfall. We rested there, took some beautiful pictures and Guina and I dared to swim in the freezing river flowing in the whole canyon.

This was totally an experience not to forget

I wished to stay a little bit longer to enjoy the calm and peace this place had, but we had to leave because it could get dark in the following hours.

On our return,

we took the same path and stopped again at the cave we found at the beginning of our journey and took the chance to retake a group photo. Once in the car, we stopped at the fantastic viewpoint of Waraq Pata where we appreciated the entire canyon with the moon in front saying goodbye to us. It was a fantastic moment!

The Ananiso Canyon

is a unique natural wonder which is totally worth walking through. The landscape, flora and fauna which inhabit its surroundings are unique and will certainly transport anybody to the heart of the Peruvian Andes.

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