AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

Pisac, Sacred Valley

Pisac, Sacred Valley

The Sacred Valley is absolutely one of the most magical places not only in Cusco but in Peru. Besides being the compulsory pass to the world wonder of Machu Picchu, It is the place that shelters most of the Incan archaeological sites, and some of the most beautiful mountains, lakes and rivers in the region. At the beginning of this valley of a hundred kilometres long, resides an ancestral place which narrates the grandeur of an empire which not only conquered the Tahuantinsuyo but also inherited us great teachings about living in harmony with nature. Be welcome to the archaeological site of Pisac.

To get to Pisac,

one should take any of the buses that leave for the Sacred Valley from Puputi Street, this in Cusco. The journey will last approximately one hour.

Once there,

it is always advisable to visit the principal streets of the town as well as its main square as they are full of handicrafts on sale.

There are two ways

to get to the majestic archaeological site of Pisac. The first option is to go hiking, which would take us approximately three hours, and the second is by getting in a taxi, which would take us approximately twenty minutes. We decided on the latter since mom was not feeling good enough to walk.


is absolutely a unique and magical place. One is able to find a group of agricultural platforms which rises to the mountain, turrets every certain stretch of the way and a number of plains gathering the best of the Incan infrastructure. The Intiwatana must be the most stunning of all of them, not underestimating the others, because it was the centre and seat of the main Incan temples and palaces.

Getting to the top

of this marvel is simply breathtaking, the view is stunning and the energy felt there is unique. I totally understood why the Incas chose high places to build their most emblematic buildings.

As we got to the top by car,

we couldn’t miss the path on the way back, so we decided to descend on foot. On the way, we met the different ancient buildings that we could not have seen if we have returned by car, among them the most precious one, the Intiwatana.

It took us an hour

approximately to descend. On the way, we took the time to take some great pictures and meditate, considering the blessing landscape we had surrounding us.

As it was mentioned

in the first lines of this post, the Sacred Valley has got a unique vibe flowing over its hundred kilometres long and Pisac is considered to be its magical door. Imagine what other experiences reside in the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

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