AventuraCiclismoCusco, Peru

A Sunset at Qoricocha Lagoon

A Sunset at Qoricocha Lagoon

A nice afternoon huh? a stunning arrival into an impressive, mystic and solitaire lagoon; making “Huatia,” which is a kind of oven made up of bulks of compacted soil which in high temperature cooked our potatoes for lunch; swimming in refreshing waters and presencing a unique breathtaking sunset, made our day unforgettable. What else could we ask for? Welcome to the Qoricocha lagoon.

Diego and I had been to Qoricocha already,

but this time we wanted to come in a different way, by bike. The two of us and a friend started pedalling from the Enchanted Forest, a beautiful place twenty minutes from Cusco, which is close to the town of Ccorao, famous for its amazing cycling road.

It is in the Ccorao fair,

where the true challenge started where before departing, we made sure everything was ready for what seemed to be a tough way up. On the way, we stopped at more than ten points (if no more) to breathe and to also take pictures. The view was amazing.

Arriving was fantastic,

it gave us a unique sensation of achievement. We did it! we screamed and let ourselves be taken by the wonders of the place. Immediately we started building the oven which would cook our food for lunch.

While the potatoes were getting cooked,

we took the opportunity to one more time swim in Qoricocha’s waters. Like the last time, an unforgettable experience. I also took the time to thank mother nature for making everything so special.

After lunch,

we stopped whatever we were doing and sat in a cement structure at the shore of the lake to witness what I call a beautiful sunset. What a unique spectacle, it was magical.

After a whole adventure,

we decided to return home, riding down the hill in the moonlight and carrying in our hearts what a great experience we lived there. Thank you once more Qoricocha!

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