AventuraCusco, PeruSenderismo

Cancan Lake, Pitusiray Mountain

Cancan Lake, Pitusiray Mountain

Have you ever heard of the ancient Incan love legend about Pitusiray and Sawasiray considered the Andean Romeo and Juliet? The legend is based on a beautiful rock formation above the Cancan lake where it is said that both lovers, Pitusiray and Sawasiray, were petrified giving birth to this majestic place and amazing story. Such a legend could not be unknown and that is why some friends, Diego and I dared to meet it personally.

Sawasiray, the Sun God’s princess,

after having disobeyed the royal command of not leaving the Incan castle under no circumstances, by a fact of destiny meets and falls into deep love with Pitusiray a humble shepherd. Such is their love that both decided to escape from the guards and Sawasiray’s father knowing that they were wanted. On their way, they found an old witch who knew about the pursuit and gave them a fruit that would keep them together forever. Pitusiray and Sawasiray took it, followed their path and when both found themselves with no exit, they ate from the haunted fruit and became into the beautiful great rock formations over Cancan lake.

To start this adventure,

we left Cusco at about five in the morning and headed to Calca, where we had breakfast, bought some fruit to take which was supposed to be our lunch and started walking to Cancan Lake.

The whole landscape is extremely beautiful. One is able to find lots of species of birds, plants and a breathtaking view of the Sacred Valley. Although the walk was tough in certain parts we really enjoyed it to the top.

Arriving at the promised land,

after having walked for approximately five hours was a unique experience of satisfaction and fulfilment. We all were amazed by the beauty of the lake and of the mountains surrounding it. Pitusiray and Sawasiray were laying there in their majestic place assigned by ‘Inti’ the Sun God telling us once again the love story that would last forever.

On our way home,

we took an alternative route that would give us a beautiful view of the sunset, the Sun God saying goodbye to us after visiting one of his favourite places in the Andes where his princess Sawasiray lies still along with her beloved one Pitusiray.

All in all,

it was a pleasure to meet such a beautiful place and to experience such a legend being told by the same Pitusiray, Sawasiray and the Sun God. I would even dare to say that Cancan is the fruit of the eternal love between them.

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