AventuraCusco, PeruDestinos

Four Lakes and Q’eswachaka Bridge

Four Lakes and Q’eswachaka Bridge

Do you imagine yourself being taken aback by a combination of lovely lake landscapes, fun moments, and a breathtaking ending experience? and If we could add to this, perfect weather and the company of amazing people. Such an experience huh? This is what Four Lakes, the Q’eswachaka Bridge and good company can offer to those who dare to venture into this extraordinary route.

As we described in our post In Search of Q’eswachaka, The Last Incan Bridge, Q’eswachaka is a bridge consisting of grass ropes that span the Apurimac River and is part of the historical and cultural heritage of Peru. It is located in the Quehue district, province of Canas in the Cusco region at approximately 3700 metres.

Unlike our last experience, this time we decided to take another route to our ancestral bridge, following the famous Acomayo Four Lakes taking the Chuquicahuana bridge detour.

Chuquicahuana River

On our way up to the Four Lakes, after ten minutes away from the Chuquicahuana bridge, we found a beautiful river with the same name that seemed to flood the surface of the main road. Such was its energy that we immediately felt attracted and stood in front of it. It was an amazing experience!

Pomacanchi Lake

After between fifteen and twenty minutes, we arrived at the first and largest lake, Pomacanchi. There, we took a tour on two boats that took us to the centre of the lake, where three of us dared to jump and swim. It was a refreshing and fun experience, I really enjoyed it. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant close by

Acopía, Asnacocha and Pampamarca Lakes

After lunch, we continued our way to the other three lakes, Acopía, Asnacocha and Pampamarca where we stopped to take a few photos and to enjoy the place.


We passed the Four Lakes and Yanaoca, the capital town of Canas province until we reached the detour to Q’eswachaka. Last time we had only arrived at this point and we couldn’t continue because we weren’t sure to find any transport back. After some half an hour of driving down, we finally arrived at the promised and so awaited place.

Getting to Q’eswachaka was an amazing adventure. The Four Lakes gave this tour a magic touch and crossing Q’eswachaka was a unique and unforgettable experience. They reminded me of our culture and our history, of what our ancestors were capable to do in harmony with nature and their deep beliefs. Don’t you know it yet? what are you waiting for?

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