AventuraCiclismoCusco, Peru

Looking For Lago San Sebas, San Sebastian

Looking For Lago San Sebas, San Sebastian

This time I had to venture on my own. I’d heard about a lagoon that was nearby. I started my journey cycling from a place called Salineras, just behind the main mall centre in town. I arrived at two interesting places I’d never heard of before. The first ‘Rumi Wasi’ which means ‘Stone House’ and the other ‘Kallachaka’ which might mean ‘Wooden Bridge’ this last one considered as an astronomical observatory and a centre of religious worship.

After having cycled for approximately thirty minutes I arrived at what seemed to be was Lago San Sebas. When I asked the local people around, I was told that the place had water some years ago, but now due to global warming, it was totally dried. I really felt pity for it and a bit disappointed.

After that, I arrived cycling in Inkilltambo which now seems to have become my favourite place around.

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